It occurs to me that some family and friends looking into this project may not be familiar with what a CNC Router is, and that is very understandable. Not everyone dreams of having a screaming computer controlled routing machine in their garage creating piles of dust.
Above is a picture of one of the CNC routers I have been considering for this project. It is a PDJ Pilot Pro router with dual gantry drives. It is available from pdjinc.com. There is the option to build this router from plans, purchase a kit, or purchase a fully assembled router from PDJ Inc.
The workpiece is held on the bed of the router. Stepper motors, under the control of the computer (this is where the Computer Numerical Control part comes in), precisely move the router spindle and bit into the workpiece to cut the material. The physical motion is controlled by the rails of the machine which restrict movement along three axis; x, y and z. The result is the router cutting or carving the workpiece into the designed shape.
Here is a video from Youtube of a Joe's 4x4 Hybrid CNC router. It is a bit larger than Pilot Pro mentioned above. I have also been evaluating the plans for this router. More on that in an upcoming post. The router is cutting signs for a doctor's office in what looks like a urethane foam or MDF material. Signage is one of the most common items made using a CNC router. In spite of the video title this is not 'My' CNC Router but someday I hope to have one like it!
Hope the construction goes well, and best of luck!!!
ReplyDeleteMike D.
Thanks Mike! I hope you will follow along as things progress.